Recycled Lacing Cards
Easy Lacing Activities for Preschoolers
Before you toss those holiday greeting cards, think twice! Are there some that have seasonal imagery that can be used as lacing cards through the winter months? Take them out of the recycle bin and follow these simple steps to create your own lacing activities.
Learning Domains:
Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development
Materials Needed:
Greeting cards
Single hole punch
Ribbon or yarn
Collect holiday or other greeting cards from friends and family with seasonal images.
Glue or tape the front and back of the card together to make it stronger or cover it with clear contact paper. Use the hole punch to make holes around the border of the card. Prepare yarn or ribbon laces by creating a pointy tip with masking tape or mavalus tape. A long, sturdy tip makes it much easier for young children to manage.
Children practice their lacing skills with a seasonal selection of lacing cards. Most lacing activities are designed to be laced and unlaced repeatedly. With these recycled lacing cards, children can complete their lacing activity and take the finished product home. Invite families to keep you supplied with greeting cards throughout the year!
Children can experiment with lacing and sewing styles. These are examples of running stitches and whipstitches.