Nestable Pan Balance
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Explore measurement and weight while saving classroom space. The nestable pan balances assemble in 3 quick and easy steps. After weighing and comparing the items in the two pans, the child can carefully slide the comparison indicator to show greater than, equal to, or less than. Clear pans work well for both liquids and solids.
ECERS-3: Nature/science 3.1 - At least 5 developmentally appropriate nature/science materials from at least 2 categories are accessible for at least 25 minutes during the observation.
ECERS-3: Math materials and activities 5.1 - At least 10 different appropriate math materials, with at least 3 from each of the 3 categories listed, are accessible for at least 1 hour during the observation.
- Ages 3+
- 17"W x 9¾"H
- Includes Activity Guide