My First Signs Board Book Set
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By introducing simple signs in a playful way with the help of the My First Signs Board Books Set, babies can communicate their needs effectively. These 2 over-sized board books for babies have endearing pictures and simple tips to make the learning fun and meaningful.
ITERS-3: Encouraging children's use of books 3.1 - More than 5 books accessible to children during the observation
ITERS-3: Encouraging children's use of books 5.1 - More than 10 books accessible to children throughout the observation.
FCCERS-R: Promoting acceptance of diversity 3.1 - At least 3 examples of racial/cultural diversity observed in materials (Ex. multiracial or multicultural dolls, books, pictures, music tapes or CDs from several cultures; in bilingual areas some materials accessible in children's primary language).
FCCERS-R: Using books 3.1 - At least 6 appropriate books but no less than 3 for each age group enrolled accessible daily, for much of the day.
FCCERS-R: Using books 5.2 - A wide selection of books is accessible.
- Ages 8 months+
- 10" x 10"