Hide 'n Squeak Eggs™
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Product Detail
Shells crack open to reveal six egg-stra special colorful chicks. Press down gently on their heads to hear them cheep. Take out of the carton for egg-ceptional shape-sorting fun.
ITERS-3: Fine motor 3.1 - At least 5 different choices of complete, functional, and appropriate fine motor materials accessible.
FCCERS-R: Fine motor 3.1 - Some appropriate fine motor materials for each age group, accessible for daily use.
ITERS-3: Math/number 3.1 - Some appropriate math/number play materials that show size, shape, or number are accessible (Ex: grasping toys or rattles with shapes or numbers; shape puzzles; toy telephones).
- Ages 12 months+
- 6 eggs with unique colors and shapes
- 8¼" x 3¼" x 5¾"
- No batteries required