Cactus Counting Activity Set
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Regular Price $26.49
Clearance Price $23.84
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Children will enjoy using the five-frames to "plant" 4 different types of cacti while practicing addition and subtraction and developing number sense. Counters are made of high-quality, soft durable plastic and feature a variety of tactile elements. Five-frames snap together to make 10, 15, and 20. Counters come in 4 different shapes and colors and feature a variety of tactile elements.
ECERS-3: Fine motor 5.1 - Accessible materials include interlocking building materials, manipulatives, puzzles, and art materials that encourage fine motor skills, such as pencils for scribbling, drawing, or writing, or scissors for cutting.
ECERS-3: Math materials and activities 3.1 - At least 2 different, appropriate math materials from each of the 3 categories (counting/comparing quantities; measuring/comparing sizes/fractions; familiarity with shapes) are accessible for at least 25 minutes during the observation.
- Ages 3+
- 67 pieces (40 cactus counters, 4 five-frames, 25 double-sided activity cards & number spinner)